30.10.2014 · Hello, i would like to know how to bind a domain when accessed through port 80 or 443 to specific ports of a droplet that are used by docker contained applications. E.g: I have app1 and app2, each running in their own docker container, on a single dro
19.06.2019 · My question is about expose multiple ports in one line from an ENV variable example, and these ports are not sequential, the same ports from host are going to be the same on container. PORTS=80 PORTS=80,443 PORTS=80 443 And expose them in docker-compose. according to docs, you can do.
05.05.2017 · docker-compose up -d is supposed to expose the ports and supposedly be able to publish the ports according to the yml, however, it is not working for the services build from build: configuration. docker-compose.yml version: '3.1' service...
24.05.2021 · docker container run \ --expose 80 \ --expose 90 \ --expose 70/udp \ -d --name port-expose busybox:latest sleep 1d. I'm using the busybox image which doesn't expose any ports by default. Compose file method. If you're using a compose file, you can add an array expose in the service definition.
21.02.2017 · I set up WordPress with Docker-compose. When I set the .yml file to contain “Ports: 8000:80” it will work only for 8000. For example I can successfully visit the IP address for the server as When I change it to Ports: 80:80 and then restart Docker-Compose and re-up it (docker-compose up -d) everything updates correctly.