Dec 13, 2021 · sudo docker build -t image/tag . Error: Step 6/8 : COPY --from=builder /volume/target/x86_64-unknown-linux- musl/release/async_web_scraper . COPY failed: stat volume/target/x86_64-unknown-linux- musl/release/async_web_scraper: file does not exist I am using the static linking method with musl. This is my Dockerfile: WORKDIR /volume COPY . .
14.11.2017 · How does docker-compose.yaml point to Dockerfile? It seems like you put your Dockerfile in the other folder. As document mentions: Compose uses an alternate file to build with. A build path must also be specified. When you use the Dockerfile on different folder with docker-compose.yaml you have to set up the context property.
Mar 18, 2020 · One more possible cause of COPY failed: no source files were specified is .dockerignore file present in your workspace. Look for .dockerignore file because of docker’s CLI (command line interface) it sends context to the docker daemon to load the .dockerignore file. If the .dockerignore file exist in the context than it might be possible there is exclude entry to ignore the build directory.
Sep 20, 2019 · The pre-existing files in the target folder effectivly become unavailable. If you need to preserve files from the target folder, you will need to use a named volume, as its default behavior is to copy per-existing files into the volume. Now here is the fun part: you can create a named volume using the local driver of the type bind.
Oct 07, 2015 · The COPY instruction in the Dockerfile copies the files in src to the dest folder. Looks like you are either missing the file1, file2 and file3 or trying to build the Dockerfile from the wrong folder. Refer Dockerfile Doc. Also the command for building the Dockerfile should be something like.
From the documentation : The <src> path must be inside the context of the build; you cannot COPY ../something /something, because the first step of a docker ...
05.01.2022 · Here, we will build the Docker Image via the sudo docker-compose build command. We can also build and run the container at the same time by running sudo docker-compose up in the folder where docker-compose.yml is present.
19.03.2020 · This error I would consider one of the most basic errors which any developer can face during the initial days of Docker learning and the error Docker COPY failed: stat no source files were specified or docker copy failed no such file or directory is caused when docker copy command is not able to copy files from the build context into your image.
Shell/Bash answers related to “docker copy file not found” ... file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat bin: file does not exist ...
When building Docker images from a Dockerfile you have two instructions you ... So if both instructions are equivalent, why do they both exist and which one ...
06.10.2015 · Here is the solution and the best practice: You need to create a resources folder where you can keep all your files you want to copy. ├── Dockerfile └── resources │ ├── file1.txt │ ├── file2.js. The command for copying files should be specified this way: COPY resources /root/folder/. where.
Nov 14, 2017 · How does docker-compose.yaml point to Dockerfile? It seems like you put your Dockerfile in the other folder. As document mentions: Compose uses an alternate file to build with. A build path must also be specified. When you use the Dockerfile on different folder with docker-compose.yaml you have to set up the context property.
COPY instructions in a Dockerfile are not run in a shell; they simply take file paths as an argument (also see the manual). This issue can easily be reproduced with a minimal Dockerfile: FROM alpine COPY test ~/test Then build and run: $ echo foo > test $ docker built -t test $ docker run --rm …