GitHub - hbouvier/dns: A DNS Server with an Web UI and ... · This DNS server is able to run as a docker container. To build the container, run a command similar to the following ( htdns is a shorthand for HTTP/DNS): docker build -t efrecon/htdns . To run, once you have your image, issue something similar to the following command: docker run -it --rm -p 8053:8053 -p 53:53 --name=dns -e DNSTTL=1800 efrecon ...
SnitchDNS : Database Driven DNS Server With A Web UI · SnitchDNS is a database driven DNS Server with a Web UI, written in Python and Twisted, that makes DNS administration easier with all configuration changed applied instantly without restarting any system services.. One of its main features is the logging of all DNS queries allowing the discovery of network traffic endpoints, and it can also be used to implement …
How to Setup DNS Server with Docker Container · Remove the stopped container. docker rm -v bind. Start the updated image. docker run -name bind -d \ [OPTIONS] \ sameersbn/bind:9.9.5-20170129. Open the web browser to and login to webmin as user root and password SecretPassword. This will give you the possibility to configure your DNS server using the Webmin UI.