11.05.2017 · When running Clear Container based containers in a docker swarm, DNS resolution does not work both for internal and external DNS when the DNS resolution is performed from within the Clear Container. This is due to the way the DNS resolution is implemented within docker swarm. DNS Resolution in Swarm
18.12.2021 · DNS not working in Docker Compose | GitAnswer For example, when a TV show episode becomes available, automatically download it, collect its poster, fanart, subtitle . Docker passes name resolution from the Docker host, directly into the container. Leveraging Docker DNS (For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
It's weird because while DNS does not work, I still get a response when I ping the same update servers that apt-get can't resolve. I'm not behind a proxy, I'm on a very standard local network, and this version of Ubuntu is up to date and fresh (I installed two days ago to be closer to docker).
I'm having an interesting problem running docker containers: out of the blue ... I can reach both from inside and outside the containers. docker run ...
Since using docker doesn't work, docker falls back to Google's public DNS, which do not work either. There may be several reasons why DNS is broken within docker containers. This question (and answers) covers the case where: dnsmasq is used. Run ps -e | grep dnsmasqon the host. If the output is empty, you're not running dnsmasq.
01.08.2018 · Containers will just use an external DNS you provided in docker config It will not use your local DNS from your host. It could be quite annoying in some situations like when you are connected to a VPN. Something is misconfigured with your dsn-gen container. It should be bind to local port 54 not 53. I guess your local dsnmasq is not running.
Since using within docker doesn't work, docker falls back to Google's public DNS, which do not work either. There may be several reasons why DNS is broken within docker containers. This question (and answers) covers the case where: dnsmasq is used. To check whether this is the case: Run ps -e | grep dnsmasq on the host.
08.03.2017 · My Docker compose file has no custom networking or DNS settings. When running in either version of Docker for Windows, /etc/resolv.conf shows the nameserver as when the container is launched via "docker run", and when launched via "docker-compose". Steps to reproduce the issue: Install Docker for Windows 17.03.0-ce
Aug 01, 2018 · Containers will just use an external DNS you provided in docker config It will not use your local DNS from your host. It could be quite annoying in some situations like when you are connected to a VPN. Something is misconfigured with your dsn-gen container. It should be bind to local port 54 not 53. I guess your local dsnmasq is not running.
Many - if not all - blacklist lookups will fail with public resolvers, because blacklist server has limits on how much requests can be done from one IP and ...
Provide the K8s worker node which runs the cluster autoscaler with a minimum IAM policy (check IAM permissions docs for more information). Setup a hosted zone ...
The first is to specify the DNS server to be used by the docker daemon for the containers by adding the following line to /etc/default/docker: docker_OPTS="--dns" where the DNS provided could be a local DNS server, such as (gateway). Then, restart with sudo restart docker
Dec 18, 2021 · DNS not working in Docker Compose | GitAnswer For example, when a TV show episode becomes available, automatically download it, collect its poster, fanart, subtitle . Docker passes name resolution from the Docker host, directly into the container. Leveraging Docker DNS (For more resources related to this topic, see here.)