TL;DR: In this article you learn how to install the necessary tools to run Docker & Kubernetes on Windows 10: Docker for Windows, Minikube, Kind, and K3s. You'll also learn which setup is the best with regards to your machine. Docker and Kubernetes are two popular tools to run containers at scale.
Internet connection. Docker. Use winget package manager to install minikube into window 10 by the following command. > winget install minikube. Then start the minikube in window 10 by following the command below. > minikube start. This command creates the minikube image container into docker and configures the Kubernetes into the config file.
12.01.2017 · Linux is great, especially when it comes down to work with Docker and Kubernetes. Now, with Minikube, we can run k8s locally and play with it. Awesome … with Linux :) And yes, working all this…
Oct 26, 2021 · Internet connection. Docker. Use winget package manager to install minikube into window 10 by the following command. > winget install minikube. Then start the minikube in window 10 by following the command below. > minikube start. This command creates the minikube image container into docker and configures the Kubernetes into the config file.
Jan 12, 2017 · (Note: I suggest putting the executables of minikube and kubectl in a same directory, e.g. C:\minikube) Docker for Windows uses Hyper-V, and we need it disabled in order to make Virtual Box to work.