I know it is an old question but for anybody coming here, the solution, at least on Linux, is to allow incoming network packets to host from docker bridge ...
06.06.2018 · Generally, you need to expose the service port externally, something like this: $ docker service create --name my_service \ --replicas 3 \ --publish published=8081,target=8081 \ nginx-fpm. Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications.
(113: Host is unreachable) while connecting to upstream, client: 172.20.0 I am unable to connect to my backend from within the Node app. I have separate containers for …
If you see lost packets and Destination Host Unreachable , then that IP is not reachable from the container. After having figured out which network is shared by ...
06.07.2016 · I think this should be solved by docker: whenever a bridge network is created, a firewall rule should be set to allow the container to reach the host on it's own exposed (host) port. Steps to reproduce (ubuntu 16.04 with docker 1.11.2 and 1.12.0, fedora 21 with docker 1.9.1): $ sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP.
05.07.2016 · I've got a docker container on host The A record of a subdomain mycontainer.example.com points to this IP. A curl to or mycontainer.example.com gives HTTP status 200 and ...
18.11.2015 · I have a CentOS 7 host on which I am running Docker. When I do a ping from my host to, ping was successful whereas same inside a docker container is not working. From Host [root@linux1 ~]...