How to Create a Docker Image - › how-create-docker-imageJan 22, 2018 · $ docker build -t dockp . (Note the dot at the end of the command.) This should build successfully, so you’ll see: Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048kB Step 1/1 : FROM ubuntu---> 2a4cca5ac898 Successfully built 2a4cca5ac898 Successfully tagged dockp:latest. It’s time to run and test your image: $ docker run -it Ubuntu
Docker Build: A Beginner’s Guide to Building Docker Images ... › docker-Jul 12, 2019 · When you create a Docker container, you’re adding a writable layer on top of the Docker image. You can run many Docker containers from the same Docker image. You can see a Docker container as an instance of a Docker image. Building your first Docker image. It’s time to get our hands dirty and see how Docker build works in a real-life app.