Docker Hub › u › pluginsMar 04, 2015 · Joined March 4, 2015. Repositories. Displaying 25 of 115 repositories. 1M+ Downloads. 0 Stars. plugins/s3 . By plugins • Updated 10 days ago
Docker volume plugins | Docker Documentation › engine › extendDocker Engine volume plugins enable Engine deployments to be integrated with external storage systems such as Amazon EBS, and enable data volumes to persist beyond the lifetime of a single Docker host. See the plugin documentation for more information. Changelog 1.13.0. If used as part of the v2 plugin architecture, mountpoints that are part of paths returned by the plugin must be mounted under the directory specified by PropagatedMount in the plugin configuration 1.12.0. Add Status field to ...
Docker - Plugins | Drone › drone-plugins › drone-dockerThe Docker plugin can be used to build and publish images to the Docker registry. The following pipeline configuration uses the Docker plugin to build and publish Docker images: kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: docker image: plugins/docker settings: username: kevinbacon password: pa55word repo: foo/bar tags: latest
docker plugin | Docker Documentation › engine › referencedocker plugin create: Create a plugin from a rootfs and configuration. Plugin data directory must contain config.json and rootfs directory. docker plugin disable: Disable a plugin: docker plugin enable: Enable a plugin: docker plugin inspect: Display detailed information on one or more plugins: docker plugin install: Install a plugin: docker plugin ls: List plugins