About Windows containers | Microsoft Docs
docs.microsoft.com › windowscontainers › aboutOct 28, 2021 · Run Windows-based or Linux-based containers on Windows 10 for development and testing using Docker Desktop, which makes use of containers functionality built-in to Windows. You can also run containers natively on Windows Server. Develop, test, publish, and deploy Windows-based containers using the powerful container support in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, which include support for Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Helm, and other useful technologies.
Run Docker Container On Windows
meiedu.us › run-docker-container-on-windowsJan 08, 2022 · Windows Docker Container Run Commands. Try out the walkthrough at Get Started. Dig in deeper with Docker Labs example walkthroughs and source code. Refer to the Docker CLI Reference Guide. Run Docker Container Windows Installer windows, edge, tutorial, run, docker, local, machine-->
Docker Windows Containers for Server and Desktops | Docker
www.docker.com › products › windows-containersDocker and Microsoft have a joint engineering relationship to deliver a consistent Docker experience for developers and operators. All Windows Server 2016 and later versions come with Docker Engine - Enterprise. Additionally, developers can leverage Docker natively with Windows 10 via Docker Desktop. Docker Windows containers work the same way as it does on Linux: same Docker CLI, API, image format and content distribution services.