yum repos Archives - Docker Blog
https://www.docker.com/blog/tag/yum-repos22.07.2015 · New Apt and Yum Repos. written by Jessie Frazelle, Core Maintainer at Docker, Inc. TLDR; UPDATE your Docker apt repo source list if you want to be able to get the latest Docker We have a yum repo FINALLY for rpms EVERYONE GETS A DYNAMIC BINARY Today, we are super excited to announ...
Docker Hub
https://hub.docker.com/r/intraway/yum-repoDocker Yum Repository This is a tiny container based on Alpine distro that acts as a 'yum' repository to test your RPMs. Docker Image Requirements Limitations How-to To-Do Docker Image Requirements docker-engine >= 1.12 docker-compose >= 1.8.1 Limitations None How-to Manually (with docker run) You can manually run these commands: