- RationalWiki › wiki › DocumentJan 27, 2022 · is a Norwegian Islamophobic and extremist blog/forum founded by Hans Rustad in 2003, that is part of the Counter-jihad movement. It became known to a mainstream audience in 2011, due to its association with Anders Behring Breivik, a supporter and frequent contributor to the forum.
https://www.document.noEn uke før valget har de politiske partiene i Norge mottatt nesten 86 millioner kroner i bidrag, langt mer enn i noen andre år. En analyse Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB) har gjort av den fortløpende registreringen som foretas på, viser at de politiske partiene så langt har mottatt 18,6 millioner kroner mer enn ved stortingsvalget i 2017 og 27,3 millioner kroner mer …
Anders Behring Breivik (IX) - Document › 2012/03/20 › forensic-psychatricMar 20, 2012 · Present status by expert Husby on 21 November 2011. The subject is awake, in clear consciousness, and aware of time and place and situation. Intelligence clinically assessed to be in the normal range. The subject uses numerical values and percentages to a greater extent than is common in regular speech. He uses a technical, unemotional and not ...