Python language support | IntelliJ IDEA › help › ideaDec 13, 2021 · The following is only valid when the Python plugin is installed and enabled. To develop Python scripts in IntelliJ IDEA: Download and install Python. Configure at least one Python SDK. If you are a Windows user, we recommend that you install Python for Windows. Supported versions. Python 2: version 2.7. Python 3: from the version 3.6 up to the ...
Configure a Python SDK | IntelliJ IDEA › configuring-python-sdkOct 21, 2021 · To develop Python scripts in IntelliJ IDEA, download and install Python and configure at least one Python SDK. A Python SDK can be specified as a Python interpreter for Python project. IntelliJ IDEA supports: To view the list of available SDKs, choose File | Project Structure from the main menu Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S.
SDKs | IntelliJ IDEA · Supported SDKs. Java Development Kit (JDK) Kotlin SDK. Android SDK. IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK. JavaFX SDK. Grails SDK. Define an SDK. To define an SDK means to let IntelliJ IDEA know in which folder on your computer the necessary SDK version is installed. This folder is called an SDK home directory.. Configure global SDKs
Python | IntelliJ IDEA › help › ideaMar 08, 2021 · Being installed, the Python Plugin introduces the following changes to the IntelliJ IDEA UI: Python module type is added to the New Project and New Module wizards. Python file type is added to the File | New menu. The Python file, Python unit test, and Python stub file types are available. Python SDK can be specified in the Add new SDK popup ...
SDKs | IntelliJ IDEA › help › ideaNov 29, 2021 · Supported SDKs. Java Development Kit (JDK) Kotlin SDK. Android SDK. IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK. JavaFX SDK. Grails SDK. Define an SDK. To define an SDK means to let IntelliJ IDEA know in which folder on your computer the necessary SDK version is installed.