Where is DropWhile in Mathematica? - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 5577959Apr 08, 2011 · Mathematica 6 added TakeWhile, which has the syntax: TakeWhile [ list, crit ] gives elements ei from the beginning of list, continuing so long as crit [e i] is True. There is however no corresponding "DropWhile" function. One can construct DropWhile using LengthWhile and Drop, but it almost seems as though one is discouraged from using DropWhile.
StringDrop—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › refStringDrop [ " string ", { m, n, s }] drops characters m through n in steps of s. StringDrop uses the standard Wolfram Language sequence specification. StringDrop [ BioSequence [ " type ", " seq "], spec] applies the operation to the string " seq " yielding a BioSequence result. Given a circular BioSequence and a starting position greater than ...
Drop—Wolfram Language Documentation
https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Drop.htmlDrop[list, n] gives list with its first n elements dropped. Drop[list, -n] gives list with its last n elements dropped. Drop[list, {n}] gives list with its n\[Null]^th element dropped. Drop[list, {m, n}] gives list with elements m through n dropped. Drop[list, {m, n, s}] gives list with elements m through n in steps of s dropped. Drop[list, seq1, seq2, ...] gives a nested list in which ...
Wolfram Data Drop: Universal Data Accumulator
datadrop.wolframcloud.comWolfram Data Drop: Universal Data Accumulator. The Wolfram Data Drop is an open service that makes it easy to accumulate data of any kind, from anywhere—setting it up for immediate computation, visualization, analysis, querying, or other operations. The Wolfram Data Drop uses WDF (Wolfram Data Framework) to add semantics to data and make it ...
Wolfram Data Drop: Universal Data Accumulator
https://datadrop.wolframcloud.comWolfram Data Drop: Universal Data Accumulator. The Wolfram Data Drop is an open service that makes it easy to accumulate data of any kind, from anywhere—setting it up for immediate computation, visualization, analysis, querying, or other operations. The Wolfram Data Drop uses WDF (Wolfram Data Framework) to add semantics to data and make it ...
Drop—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › refelement n only. { m, n } elements m through n inclusive. { m, n, s } elements m through n in steps of s. Drop can be used on an object with any head, not necessarily List. For a matrix, Drop [ list, seq 1, seq 2] effectively drops all elements except those in a submatrix of list. Drop works on SparseArray objects.