Artificial intelligence in drug discovery and development › pmc › articlesOct 21, 2020 · The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasing in various sectors of society, particularly the pharmaceutical industry. In this review, we highlight the use of AI in diverse sectors of the pharmaceutical industry, including drug discovery and development, drug repurposing, improving pharmaceutical productivity, and clinical trials, among others; such use reduces the human workload ...
Ligand efficiency - Wikipedia › wiki › Ligand_efficiencyLigand efficiency is a measurement of the binding energy per atom of a ligand to its binding partner, such as a receptor or enzyme.. Ligand efficiency is used in drug discovery research programs to assist in narrowing focus to lead compounds with optimal combinations of physicochemical properties and pharmacological properties.
Drug Discovery Today - the magazine for the drug discovery ...
www.drugdiscoverytoday.comDrug Discovery Today is a review journal, published as monthly 12 double issues. The journal covers the whole of the preclinical drug discovery process, from target identification and validation, through hit identification, lead identification and optimisation, though to candidate selection. The reviews are at the cutting edge of the science underpinning drug discovery, …
Drug Discovery Today - Wikipedia Discovery Today is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal that is published by Elsevier. It was established in 1996 and publishes reviews on all aspects of preclinical drug discovery from target identification and validation through hit identification, lead identification and optimisation, to candidate selection. In 2004, the Drug Discovery Today journal series expanded with the launch of four online-only re…