有人说下kudu,kylin,druid,clickhouse的区别,使用场景么? - 知乎
https://www.zhihu.com/question/303991599相同点: Kylin 和 ClickHouse 都能通过 SQL 的方式在 PB 数据量级下,亚秒级 (95%查询 2s内返回)返回 OLAP (在线分析查询) 查询结果. 不同应用场景: Kylin 适合高并发,固定模式查询场景,例如: 报表分析,留存分析,用户标签画像分析,用户行为漏斗分析,归因分析等. ClickHouse 适合 ...
Apache Druid vs. Apache Kylin Comparison
db-engines.com › en › systemSystem Properties Comparison Apache Druid vs. Apache Kylin. Please select another system to include it in the comparison. Our visitors often compare Apache Druid and Apache Kylin with Snowflake, ClickHouse and Hive. Providers of DBaaS offerings, please contact us to be listed.