DuckDuckGo · GitHub At DuckDuckGo, we're raising the standard of trust online. We believe a more trusted Internet starts with simple and accessible privacy for everyone. Paoli, PA. Twitter. @duckduckgo. Verified.
DuckDuckGo - Wikipedia of DuckDuckGo's source code is free software hosted at GitHub under the Apache 2.0 License, but the core is proprietary. DuckDuckGo also hosts DuckDuckHack, a sister site for organizing open source contributions and community projects. The search engine's Instant Answers are open source and are maintained on GitHub, where anyone can view the source code. As of August 31, 2017, DuckDuckHack was placed on maintenance mode; as such, only pull requestsfor bug fi…
https://duckduckhack.comJoin the DuckDuckHack community and improve DuckDuckGo through open source. ... That's over 5,000 pull requests, 250,000 lines of code and hundreds of ...