GitHub - Topaceminem/DCC-GARCH: DCC GARCH modeling in Python › Topaceminem › DCC-GARCHJan 15, 2020 · DCC-GARCH. DCC-GARCH is a Python package for a bivariate volatility model called Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH, which is widely implemented in the contexts of finance. The basic statistical theory on DCC-GARCH can be found in Multivariate DCC-GARCH Model (Elisabeth Orskaug, 2009). Since my module DCC-GARCH is intially designed for the computation of SRISK (Brownlees & Engle, 2016) , it only performs a Dynamic Conditional Correlation of order (1,1) and a GARCH of order (1,1).
Dynamic Conditional Correlation - A Simple Class of ... › uc › itemA new class of multivariate models called dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) models is proposed. These have the flexibility of univariate GARCH models coupled with parsimonious parametric models for the correlations. They are not linear but can often be estimated very simply with univariate or two step methods based on the likelihood function.