dynDNS.it - DNS dinamico gratuito - Free dyndns
https://dyndns.itFunziona con tutti i Router ADSL e Fibra. Sia che si tratti di Vodafone o di TIM, di Tiscali o di Wind/Infostrada, il servizio di DNS dinamico di dyndns.it è configurabile sui principali router liberi e distribuiti.; Funziona con i Router industriali. Se utilizzi SIM M2M e router industriali, puoi utilizzare il nostro servizio per raggiungere la connessione Wireless.
DynDNS.DK : Welcome (Dansk | English)
https://dyndns.dkDynDNS is a service, that provides you with a valid, unchanging, internet domain name (an URL) to go with that (possibly everchanging) IP-address. This way you have the same name (or URL) to give others when they need to contact your server, regardless of your IP-address. We even provide a service so DynDNS itself can inform your friends if you ...
What is Dynamic DNS? | Dyn Help Center
https://help.dyn.com/dynamic-dnsSign-up for an account and purchase Dynamic DNS.If you have an account and/or have already purchased, simply log-in.. Once logged into the interface, navigate to “DynDNS Hosts” and then “Add New Hostname” to create a new web address that will be linked to your device (ex: mycomputer@dyndns.org, webcam@dyndns.org).