each is or are grammar – Nystbo
https://www.nystbo.co/each-is-or-are-grammar, Each and every participant is expected to contribute, Each and every one of you is my friend, “each” is singular, some usage panels disagree: Each can also be used as a pronoun,” So the original sentence is grammatically correct, Although both words refer to something that is singular, “each” means you are talking about every one of a group, In British English,) and a plural noun ...
“Each” - Singular or Plural? - grammar
www.grammar.com › each-singular-or-pluralWhen the pronoun [each] is followed by an of phrase containing a plural noun or pronoun, there is a tendency for the verb to be plural: Each of the candidates has (or have) spoken on the issue. Some usage guides maintain that only the singular verb is correct, but plural verbs occur frequently even in edited writing.