Betaling med app - Bergen Parkering AS Parkering skal være best på sentral, trygg og enkel parkering, og vi vil derfor være først til å la kundene selv bestemme hvilken app de vil benytte seg av når de betaler for parkeringen sin. Med dette åpner vi for å betale med EasyPark sin løsning “kameraparkering” også i ByGarasjen, GriegGarasjen og KlosterGarasjen.
Pay by phone - Bergen Parkering › en › betaling-med-appPay by phone - Bergen Parkering Paying with your phone Our parking facilities ByGarasjen and KlosterGarasjen now allows you to pay for your parking using Sesam Sesam or EasyPark on your phone. We were the first to offer automatic number-plate recognition in Bergen in 2015 through Sesam Sesam. Now automated parking solutions has become the standard.
EasyPark Group › latest-newsBergen Parkering and Hi Tech Mobility is launching a new cooperation with EasyPark, aiming to provide an easier and automated parking experience for the people of the Norwegian city of Bergen. The second largest city in Norway, Bergen, has recently had a public debate on the complexity of paying for parking in the city. […]