Brief Profile - ECHA › brief-profile › -ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used. ECHA has no public registered data on the types of manufacture using this substance. This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: the low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials or articles.
Homepage - ECHA
https://echa.europa.eu13/10/2021. ECHA has published advice to registrants on how to reliably combine different sources of alternative data when assessing skin sensitisation of chemicals. This reduces the need to test on animals, while protecting people from allergies. The advice is based on a recent OECD guideline.
Home - ECHA
iuclid6.echa.europa.eu05.10.2021 · EU Member States. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) IUCLID is the essential tool for any organisation or individual that needs to record, store, submit, and exchange data on chemical substances in the format of the OECD Harmonised Templates. Follow IUCLID on LinkedIn. Some features on this website are not working correctly; as indicated below.
ECHA: Homepage
https://echa.europa.euECHA and Member States have been assessing the regulatory needs of groups of substances in an effort to speed up regulatory action on chemicals of concern, ...
European Chemicals Agency - Wikipedia European Chemicals Agency is an agency of the European Union which manages the technical and administrative aspects of the implementation of the European Union regulation called Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals(REACH). ECHA is the driving force among regulatory authorities in implementing the EU's chemicals legislation. ECHA has to ascert…
Homepage - ECHA
echa.europa.eu13/10/2021. ECHA has published advice to registrants on how to reliably combine different sources of alternative data when assessing skin sensitisation of chemicals. This reduces the need to test on animals, while protecting people from allergies. The advice is based on a recent OECD guideline.
Home - Poisoncentres - ECHA
poisoncentres.echa.europa.eu25.10.2021 · ECHA. Breadcrumb. Poisoncentres; Home; Asset Publisher. Webinar on poison centre notification: learn about the changes and new functionalities 03 November 2021. The webinar gave advice on how to prepare your poison centre notifications using the latest version of the IUCLID 6 software.