Cheat Sheet for the Exam: Econometric Methods › Cheat_SheetCheat Sheet for the Exam: Econometric Methods 1 A-, B- and C-Assumptions Assumption A1: (The true model) The econometric model does not lack any relevant exogenous variables and the exogenous variables used are not irrelevant. Assumption A2 (Linear in parameters) The true relationship between X and y is linear.
Econometrics Cheat Sheet - Pavel Solís › Econometrics_GuideEconometrics Cheat Sheet by Tyler Ransom, University of Oklahoma @tyleransom Data & Causality Basics about data types and causality. OLS formulas To estimate (30 and 131, we make two assumptions: 2. E(ulx) (u) for all When these hold, we get the following formulas: Gauss-IVIarkov Assumptions 1. y is a linear function of the 13 's