European Cetacean Society
https://www.europeancetaceansociety.euThe ECS is coordinated by a Council of 11 members and each year organizes an Annual Conference in a European country. In most countries in Europe the ECS is represented by a National Contact Person. ECS membership fluctuates between 350-550 persons from more than 25 European countries and several countries outside Europe (total 25 -42 countries).
Upcoming Meetings - ECS › upcoming-meetings243rd ECS Meeting. May 28-June 1, 2023 – Boston, MA. Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston. 244th ECS Meeting. October 8-12, 2023 – Gothenburg, Sweden. Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre. 245th ECS Meeting. May 26-30, 2024 – San Francisco, CA. Marriot Marquis San Francisco.
ECS Conference - MeteoXchange Conference. MeteoXchange is pleased to announce that the Student & Early Career Scientists Conference will be held as a FREE virtual conference! The ECS conference provides an excellent opportunity for Masters, Undergraduate and PhD students, as well as early career scientists, working in fields related to meteorology to present their work ...
239th ECS Meeting | May 30-June 3, 2021 › 239May 21, 2021 · May 30-June 3, 2021 | Digital Meeting. The 239th ECS Meeting and the 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS) bring together the most active researchers in academia, government, and industry—both professionals and students—to engage, discuss, and innovate in the areas of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology.
ECS Conference 2021 | European Coatings › ecs-conference-2021The ECS Conference offers over the course of two days all you need to stay on top of your game: International experts from industry and academia will present recent developments, to debate and to inform. This year the conference will take place completely online, but live interaction and networking will remain a top priority during this event.