Grade 4Writing Checklist - DataWORKS Ed › 4th_Writing_ChecklistGrade 4Writing Checklist Opinion Conventions Meets Expectations: Introduces a topic or text States an opinion a. Creates an organizational structure that supports the writer’s purpose Provides ordered reasons a. Supports reasons with facts and details b. Uses multiple sources to gather information for support Links opinion and reasons a.
Editing Checklists - Worksheets › indexEditing Checklists. Revising checklists, peer editing checklists. Revise writing and editing check lists. Self editing checklists. These checklists are similar to success criteria checklists with the exception that the success criteria should be developed between the teacher and students. Success criteria helps children focus on the areas of need. Editing Checklist.
Grade 4 Revising and Editing - Texas Education Agency › sites › defaultGrade 4, Editing: 4 . What change should be made in sentence 3? F . Change . nervous . to . nervis G . Change . riding . to . rode H . Change . and . to . but J . Change . seemed . to . seems 5 . What change should be made in sentence 5? A . Change . past . to . passed B . Delete the comma after . cliffs . C . Change . cactus . to . Cactus D . Change . trees . to . tree 6