Editing Checklists
www.copyediting-l.info/images/checklist.pdfEditing Checklists The following checklists have been created from information shared by a helpful group of writers and editors from around the world working at private companies, universities, and their own businesses as well as information from my own background of technical writing.
Editing Checklists
www.copyediting-l.info › images › checklistA production edit is the look at the document before it is published, after all writing and editing activities are complete. The editor must see the document as a whole, completed work. The editor does not read the document word-for-word (which is a copy edit), but instead focuses on page layout, pagination, graphical, and other gross errors.
COPS Editing Checklist - Reading Rockets
www.readingrockets.org › pdfs › COPSchecklistCOPS Editing Checklist [Reprinted from Think Write Book by Ines Mevs] Use the following checklist as a guide when you edit your writing. Also, use it when you are ready to proofread your final draft. CAPITALIZATION _____ Start all sentences with a capital letter _____ Capitalize nouns that name specific people, places, and things (proper nouns)