mHealth series - Volume 3 mHealth New horizons for health through mobile technologies 2011. Acknowledgments This report would not have been possible without the input of the Observatory’s extensive network of eHealth experts and the support of numerous colleagues at the World Health Organization headquarters,
PowerPoint Presentation › module-8-ppt-session-1eHealth. eHealth (or e-health) is a relatively recent term for healthcare practice supported by electronic processes and communication, dating back to at least 1999. World Health Organization definition: eHealth is the cost-effective and secure use of information and communications technologies in support of health and health-related . fields,
PowerPoint Presentation…Session 1: eHealth, mHealth, and HIS Enterprise Architecture. Learning Objectives. By the end of this session, participants will be able to: Explain key . eHealth. and . mHealth. concepts. Define commonly used eHealth and mHealth terms. Illustrate eHealth and mHealth applications. Describe limitations and considerations for eHealth and mHealth ...
e-health - SlideShare › moniefeied › ehealth-5196362Sep 14, 2010 · e-health 1. E-Health and the twenty-first century trends 2. Contact Details Cell Phone: 250-507-4343 Victoria , BC Canada [email_address] 15 years healthcare specialist experience and practice management consulting. Utilizing extensive industry experience within medical equipments, IT healthcare (PACS/RIS/CIS & CVIS), pharma, biotech, clinical research and healthcare to execute and implement ...
eHealth and mHealth PPT Presentation › document › ehealth-and-mhealthEHEALTH AND MHEALTH2. Introduction: Electronic Medical Record: Electronic medical record (EMR) is the process by which the medical history of patients. are stored electronically and maintained by provider of EMR. It consists of patient’s past history, medical issues, vital signs for the issues, immunization history, reports of radiology and.