FAQ - Eigen
https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=FAQEigen is small, so it is feasible to include a copy of it in your own source tree, if you want to. Eigen is multi-platform, and is actually being used on a number of different operating systems, hardware platforms, and compilers. Eigen, compared to certain other C++ template libraries, is relatively easy on the compiler.
C++Eigen库矩阵常见操作 - 古月居
https://www.guyuehome.com/3416309.06.2021 · eigen中矩阵是无法直接对矩阵操作,让每个元素都求绝对值的。. 但是可以通过转化为Array类型来操作。. matrix转为array: .array () array转为matrix:.matrix () 求绝对值. Eigen::MatrixXf x; Eigen::ArrayXXf x_abs = x.array ().abs (); 求矩阵绝对值后的最大元素. Eigen::MatrixXf x; Eigen ...