50 Passive Voice Examples - EnglishPost.org
https://englishpost.org/passive-voice04.08.2021 · Passive Voice Examples: Past Continuous These are some example of sentences with the past continuous and the passive voice I was being followed by some criminals I was being scammed by some Indian hackers She was being bullied by some people on Facebook An email was being written by our supply team. People were being arrested during the protest
Passive voice: reglas de uso, ejemplos y ejercicios
global-exam.com › blog › esJul 01, 2021 · Ejercicios de passive voice. A continuación, te proponemos algunos ejercicios para que te entrenes sobre el tema de la passive voice. Transforma las siguientes oraciones utilizando la voz pasiva: The waiter is serving her. An artist will paint my father. Someone took my book without my permission.
50 Passive Voice Examples - EnglishPost.org
englishpost.org › passive-voiceAug 04, 2021 · 50 Passive Voice Exercises. Complete these passive voice exercises to make sure that you understand this topic eell. These are some example that will help you contrast the active and the passive voice. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 001. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 002. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 003.