06. PASSIVE VOICE | English for Bachillerato
carloscanobachillerato.wordpress.com › 2016/02/11Feb 11, 2016 · ACTIVE or PASSIVE VOICE ACTIVITIES: The Passive EXPLANATION & activities Passive voice activities 1 Passive Voice activities 2 Passive Voice activities 3 Passive mixed tenses activities wirh answers Impersonal Passive Explanation Impersonal passive 2 CAUSATIVE PASSIVE EXPLANATION AND EXERCISES Causative 1 Causative 2 grammar_unit_4_1star OVER TO YOU 2 grammar_unit_4_2star OVER TO YOU 2 grammar ...
Ejercicio de inglés: The Passive Voice
www.curso-ingles.com › the-passive-voiceEjercicios: The Passive Voice. Escribe las siguientes frases en la voz pasiva. Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice: Mark Twain wrote "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in 1876. Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice: They make many movies in Hollywood. Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice: The students will give a presentation tomorrow.
https://rosa-arroyo.webnode.es/notes/exercisesCONDITIONALS, REPORTED SPEECH, PASSIVE, RELATIVE SENTENCES. CONDICIONALES SECUNDARIA.doc (29 kB) CONDITIONAL CLAUSES and WISH 2º Bachillerato and key.docx (19963) conditionals mixed 1.docx (12419) conditionals mixed 2.docx (12514) CONDITIONALS 2.pdf (800,6 kB) first-conditional.pdf (67996) second-conditional.pdf (69774) third …
2º Bachillerato. THE PASSIVE VOICE
carloscanobachillerato.files.wordpress.com › 20162º Bachillerato. THE PASSIVE VOICE 1) Active to passive. 36.- You must keep dogs on leads in the gardens. Put the transitive verbs into the passive. Do not mention the agent unless it seems necessary. 1.- The milkman brings the milk to my door but the postman leaves the letters in the hall. 2.- In future, perhaps, they won't bring letters to ...