Subjunctive: Part I - › grammar › lessonsThe subjunctive is not a tense; rather, it is a mood. Tense refers to when an action takes place (past, present, future), while mood merely reflects how the speaker feels about the action. The subjunctive mood is rarely used in English, but it is widely used in Spanish. Here are some examples of the subjunctive being used in English:
Present Subjunctive in Spanish Grammar - Lingolia › en › grammarThe present subjunctive (el presente de subjuntivo) is used to refer to the future as well as the present. Read on to learn how to use the present subjunctive in Spanish grammar. Master the conjugation, then put your knowledge to the test in the free exercises. If you want to refresh your knowledge about the subjunctive mood in general, check ...
Presente de subjuntivo › page24 › page24Siguen este tipo de irregularidad: adherir, advertir, arrepentirse, conferir, consentir, convertir, desmentir, digerir, disentir, divertir(se), herir, hervir, ...