Elasticsearch query string query with not equal to? Ask Question Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. Active 4 months ago. Viewed 127k times 64 12. Usually with a query ... You can also use a combination of must and must_not. Like pull docs where name is Ajit and status is not queued.
01.07.2015 · I am using elasticsearch for filtering and searching from json file and I am newbie in this technology. So I am little bit confused how to write like query in elasticsearch. select * from table_name where 'field_name' like 'a%' This is mysql query. How do I write this query in Elasticsearch? I am using elasticsearch version 0.90.7.
You need to use the NOT operator, like this: !(name:"Fred") or NOT (name:"Fred") You should use bool query with must_not statement { "query": { "bool" ...
19.03.2020 · The “match” query is one of the most basic and commonly used queries in Elasticsearch and functions as a full-text query. We can use this query to search for text, numbers or boolean values. Let us search for the word “heuristic” contained in the field called “phrase” in the documents we ingested earlier.
02.08.2018 · Perform two queries. First to retrieve the job_id that match transaction = read and data_source = File. Second, to query with the job_id applied in a terms query inside of a bool query must_not clause. Depending on the number of ids that we're dealing with, the queries may need to be further partitioned. Both approaches have their tradeoffs.