System - Journal - Elsevier international journal is devoted to the applications of educational technology and applied linguistics to problems of foreign language teaching and learning. Attention is paid to the learning and teaching of all languages (e.g. English) as second or foreign languages in all countries. System requires articles to have a sound theoretical ...
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journalfinder.elsevier.comElsevier JournalFinder helps you find journals that could be best suited for publishing your scientific article. JournalFinder uses smart search technology and field-of-research specific vocabularies to match your paper’s abstract to scientific journals.
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Elsevier - Wikipedia November 1999, the entire editorial board (50 persons) of the Journal of Logic Programming (founded in 1984 by Alan Robinson) collectively resigned after 16 months of unsuccessful negotiations with Elsevier Press about the price of library subscriptions. The personnel created a new journal, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, with Cambridge University Pressat a much lower price, while Elsevier continued publication with a new editorial board and a slightly d…