Homo rudolfensis - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Homo_rudolfensisHomo rudolfensis is a species of archaic human from the Early Pleistocene of East Africa about 2 million years ago (mya). Because H. rudolfensis coexisted with several other hominins, it is debated what specimens can be confidently assigned to this species beyond the lectotype skull KNM-ER 1470 and other partial skull aspects.
Mean Age of Mother, 1970–2000
www.cdc.gov › nchs › dataDec 01, 2011 · National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 51, No. 1, December 11, 2002 3 and 2000 (24.3 and 25.0 years, respectively). American Indian women had the lowest mean age at first live birth in both 1989 and 2000 (21.3
Fußball-Europameisterschaft 1972 – Wikipedia
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fußball-Europameisterschaft_1972Günter Netzer wurde zum Fußballer des Jahres in der Bundesrepublik und Franz Beckenbauer zu Europas Fußballer des Jahres gewählt, wobei mit Gerd Müller und Günter Netzer erstmals zwei Spieler aus dem gleichen Verband wie der Sieger gemeinsam Platz 2 belegten. Bei der Wahl zur Mannschaft des Jahres musste die Nationalmannschaft der Hockeynationalmannschaft den Vortritt überlassen, da diese überraschend bei den Olympischen Spielen in Münchendie Goldmed…
Abeid Karume - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Abeid_KarumeAbeid Amani Karume (4 August 1905 – 7 April 1972) was the first President of Zanzibar.He obtained this title as a result of a revolution which led to the deposing of His Majesty Sir Jamshid bin Abdullah, the last reigning Sultan of Zanzibar, in January 1964.
Emergency! - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency!Emergency! is an American television series that combines the medical drama and action-adventure genres. It was a joint production of Mark VII Limited and Universal Television.It debuted on NBC as a midseason replacement on January 15, 1972, replacing the two short-lived situation comedy series The Partners and The Good Life, and ran for a total of 122 episodes until May …