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emacs fcitx

FAQ - Fcitx 5
https://fcitx-im.org › wiki › FAQ
1.4 Is it Java, Xterm, wine, or some other non-Gtk/Qt Application? 1.5 Is it a Qt application that bundles its own Qt library? 1.6 Emacs. 2 ...
emacs fcitx中文输入_执米之手,与米偕老-CSDN博客
14.10.2013 · 简介 在ubuntu下直接安装emacs, fcitx时,运行emacs切换不了输入法,即不能输入中文。本文主要讲解如何用最少的命令即可在系统中使用fcitx来输入中文。 配置 /etc/environment文件中追加 export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" locale配置 sudo locale-gen 重启 查看原文:https://www.
emacs can't use fcitx input method - LinuxQuestions.org
https://www.linuxquestions.org › e...
Hello everyone. I'm a Chinese student, after I upgraded slackware13.1 to slakcware13.37, I find that I can't use the fcitx input method in emacs to.
slackware - Emacs can not activate fcitx - Stack Overflow
I can use fcitx normally in all of other programs. But I can't not use fcitx in Emacs which means I can not switch to other input method such as Chinese input method. I tried a lot and Googled a lot didn't find solution. This confuses me a lot! I use emacs -q to start emacs. Can you help me? Thanks in advance! Emacs version: 25.1.1; fcitx ...
emacs中文问题(输入法无法呼出) - 豆瓣
29.08.2018 · 笔者用emacs已经好多年,一直在arch上开发。困扰了很长一段时间的中文问题,今天解决了,把解决的路径分享下,希望有帮助。 1. 关于你用什么输入法,不管你是Ibus也好fcitx也好,应该是无所谓的。 2. emacs不解决编码问题,必须要在启动的时候设置LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.utf8,当然这个设置对不对,你要看你的` ...
Input method related environment variables - Fcitx
fcitx-im.org › wiki › Input_method_related
Emacs has a historical bug, that under en_US.UTF-8 or similar locale, it will never use XIM (Though emacs is a gtk app, it use XIM). The only way to walkaround this is to use LC_CTYPE to fix this. For example, to only set this with emacs, run emacs with LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 emacs It will not effect the display language of emacs.
How to type Korean Hangul using fcitx in Emacs? - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › comments
I'm using fcitx to type Korean Hangul. ... When I'm in Emacs and hover over the fcitx icon in the system tray, it says "No input window".
Emacs can not activate fcitx - Super User
I can use fcitx normally in all of other programs. But I can't not use fcitx in Emacs which means I can not switch to other input method such as Chinese input method. I tried a lot and Googled a lot didn't find solution. This confuses me a lot! I use emacs -q to start emacs. Can you help me? Thanks in advance! Emacs version: 25.1.1; fcitx ...
linux - Emacs can not activate fcitx - Super User
superuser.com › emacs-can-not-activate-fcitx
Emacs version: 25.1.1. fcitx version: Operating system: Slackware 14.2. uname -a output: Linux Planet 4.4.38 #2 SMP Sun Dec 11 16:18:36 CST 2016 x86_64 Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux. fcitx-diagnose output: fcitx-diagnose. ~/.xprofile and ~/.profile both contain the following: export XMODIFIERS=@im ...
Alternative keyboards in Spacemacs - Emacs Stack Exchange
https://emacs.stackexchange.com › ...
I have fcitx installed on a Linux environment. According the to fcitx-diagnose it is correctly installed. I am using the us-alt-intl keyboard to ...
Ubuntu Emacs Fcitx 中文输入法设置 - LemonLi - 博客园
05.01.2012 · Ubuntu Emacs Fcitx 中文输入法设置 配置也不如fcitx来大灵活,(到目前为止都不知道怎么配置才可以让ibus在中文输入状态下输入英文的半角标点)很是郁闷. 下面保存一下关于在ubuntu环境下在emacs中使用fcitx的心得
在Emacs中启用Fcitx输入法 - JollyWing - 博客园
30.10.2015 · 在Emacs中启用Fcitx输入法. 用 startx 启动图形会话后,应该可以看到fcitx成功启动。. 打开Emacs,激活输入法看看。. 注意,一定要加 export LC_CTYPE... 那一句,不然在Emacs中无法使用中文输入法。. 现在,Emacs应该可以正常使用Fcitx,如果还是不能使用,可能原因是缺 …
Ubuntu Emacs not using fcitx input method | Develop Paper
https://developpaper.com › ubuntu...
ubuntu linux emacs version 24 not use fcitx input method (write chinese word),. emacs24 default installed to "/usr/bin/" in this dir.
Input method related environment variables - Fcitx
Emacs has a historical bug, that under en_US.UTF-8 or similar locale, it will never use XIM (Though emacs is a gtk app, it use XIM). The only way to walkaround this is to use LC_CTYPE to fix this. For example, to only set this with emacs, run emacs with LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 emacs It will not effect the display language of emacs.
Emacs GUI下不能输入中文 - Emacs China
19.12.2017 · google了也看了论坛其他中文输入的解决办法,却依然未卵。 我用的archlinux + i3WM (GUI), 安装了fctix 下的google pinyin. 用的emacs 下的spacemacs配置。Troubleshooting如下: chromium 和 urxvt terminal 下 google pinyin能ctrl+spc 顺利切换和输入中文 (我现在就是在chroium下写的这个提问) 但是在e…
Fcitx - ArchWiki
https://wiki.archlinux.org › title › f...
Applications below do not use GTK/Qt input module: Applications use Tk, motif or xlib; Emacs, Opera, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Skype, Wine, ...
Emacs can not activate fcitx - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com › emacs-...
But I can't not use fcitx in Emacs which means I can not switch to other input method such as Chinese input method. I tried a lot and Googled a ...
Emacs can not activate fcitx - Super User
https://superuser.com › questions
I can use fcitx normally in all of other programs. But I can't not use fcitx in Emacs which means I can not switch to other input method ...
cute-jumper/fcitx.el: Better fcitx integration for Emacs. - GitHub
https://github.com › cute-jumper
Better fcitx integration for Emacs. ... This package provides a set of functions to make fcitx work better in Emacs. This is originally designed to be used along ...
slackware - Emacs can not activate fcitx - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 42324584
But there is a big difference from fcitx input method and Emacs built-in input method in Chinese such as fcitx can suggest more useful words or short sentences than Emacs buit-in. – abel_abel Feb 19 '17 at 23:20
5 best open source fcitx projects. - Findbestopensource.Com
https://www.findbestopensource.com › ...
Better fcitx integration for Emacs. This package provides a set of functions to make fcitx work better in Emacs. emacs-lisp emacs fcitx ...