Tools - Ensembl We provide a number of ready-made tools for processing both our data and yours. We routinely delete results from our servers after 10 days, but if you have an ensembl account you will be able to save the results indefinitely. Processing your data
Ensembl Bacteria
bacteria.ensembl.orgEnsembl Bacteria. Ensembl Bacteria is a browser for bacterial and archaeal genomes. These are taken from the databases of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration, the European Nucleotide Archive at the EBI, GenBank at the NCBI, and the DNA Database of Japan).. Data access. Data can be visualised through the Ensembl genome browser and accessed …
Ensembl Plants
https://plants.ensembl.orgEnsembl Rapid Release. New assemblies with gene and protein annotation every two weeks. Note: species that already exist on this site will continue to be updated with the full range of annotations. The Ensembl Rapid Release website provides annotation for recently produced, publicly available vertebrate and non-vertebrate genomes from ...
Zea_mays - Ensembl Genomes 52 Zea mays. Maize or Zea mays had the highest world-wide production of all grain crops in 2019.Although a food staple in many regions of the world, most is used for animal feed and ethanol fuel. Maize was domesticated from wild teosinte in Central America and its cultivation spread throughout the Americas by Pre-Columbian civilisations.
TAIR - Home Page
https://www.arabidopsis.orgAbout TAIR The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) maintains a database of genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana.Data available from TAIR includes the complete genome sequence along with gene structure, gene product information, gene expression, DNA and seed stocks, genome maps, genetic and physical markers, …
Triticum_aestivum - Ensembl Genomes 52 Triticum aestivum. Triticum aestivum (bread wheat) is a major global cereal grain essential to human nutrition. Wheat was one of the first cereals to be domesticated, originating in the fertile crescent around 7000 years ago. Bread wheat is hexaploid, with a genome size estimated at ~17 Gb, composed of three closely-related and independently maintained genomes that are the …