PRACTICE READING AND SPEAKING › wp-content › uploadsknowledge or learning British English pronunciation, this book teaches the facts of English reading and pronunciation quickly and easily. It can be used as a complete reading course, phonic dictionary, pronunciation guide or to give further examples of the spelling of sounds when listening to a child read.
PRONUNCIATION - University of Technology Sydney › sites › defaultStress is one of the most important speech tools used by English speakers to communicate meaning. English speakers use stress to highlight information they think is important. In addition, every English word with more than one syllable or word part has a defined stress pattern. Y ou can look up a dictionary to see which syllable is stressed.
Pronunciation exercises - VOBS › ludescher › pdf filesVowel - Practice : Diphthongs A diphthong is a vowel-sound containing two elements, during the articulation of which the tongue, jaws and lips change their position. In all English diphthongs the first element is considerably stronger than the second. The first element in [ei] is produced with the jaws closer together than for the monophthong [e]
Better English Pronunciation › books › better-english-pronunciationBetter English Pronunciation This is the new edition of t highly successful and widely-used text on pronunciation. 11t provides a systematic and thorough introduction to the pronunciation of Englishto help intermediate and more advanced students productionof the spoken language After a short introduction to pronunciation problems the atlthOr