Automatic Cyrillic Converter it contains more than 75% Latin characters, it is assumed that the text is in Latin and it is reverse transliterated (from Russian; for Ukrainian, select "Manually" and "TRANSLIT UKR"). Otherwise, it is assumed that the text is Cyrillic and it is converted from the original encoding (figured out by the converter) into the desired one.
Translit RU/EN: Russian Translit, Transliteration and Virtual ...
translit.ccThe conversion keys → CYRILLIC and → LATIN are provided to translate text from the input area to Cyrillic or Latin accordingly. If only a part of the text is selected and one of the translit converter keys is pressed, then the conversion will affect only this selected part of the text and the rest of the text will be left in the original ...
Type Russian letters – online Russian keyboard
https://russian.typeit.orgThis online Russian keyboard follows the easy-to-learn AATSEEL “phonetic” keyboard layout, which tries to match Russian letters to QWERTY keys based on sound — for example, п (which sounds like p) is typed by pressing P.The phonetic layout is widely used in the US by Russian translators, teachers, people learning Russian, etc.
Russian - Learn Russian Tools
https://www.russiantools.comBulk Convert English to Cyrillic - This is an advanced translation tool. Enter your English text and the tool will turn it into Cyrillic, keeping the original formatting of the entry text in the output box. Russian Anagram Solver - Enter Russian letters and you can see all the words in our dictionary that you can make from that combination.
Russian Keyboard Online • Cyrillic Alphabet • LEXILOGOS - Русский. conversion Russian dictionary. Instructions. To type directly with the computer keyboard: Type e=, e== to get ё, э. Type zh, ch, sh (ou z=, c=, s=) to get ž, č, š : ж, ч, ш. Type w for šč : щ. Type x for h, for example: sx to get сх. Type q after the vowel to add an acute accent (for Russian's learners)
Russian Keyboard Online • Cyrillic Alphabet • LEXILOGOS › keyboard › russianRussian - Русский. conversion Russian dictionary. Instructions. To type directly with the computer keyboard: Type e=, e== to get ё, э. Type zh, ch, sh (ou z=, c=, s=) to get ž, č, š : ж, ч, ш. Type w for šč : щ. Type x for h, for example: sx to get сх. Type q after the vowel to add an acute accent (for Russian's learners)