English to Logic
www.cs.miami.edu › Content › EnglishToLogic1st Order Logic: Singly General Monadic. Play. More than in propositional logic, in predicate logic the best tip for translating from English into notation is to play with the English sentence, and then to play with your notation proposals. Paraphrase. Play with different paraphrases of the English until you have one that is (1) equivalent to ...
Compilers - First-order logic
crypto.stanford.edu › ~blynn › compilerThis important result suggests a strategy to prove any first-order formula f . As a preprocessing step, we prepend explicit universal quantifiers for each free variable: generalize fo = foldr (Qua Forall) fo $ fv fo. Then: Negate f because validity and satisfiability are dual: the formula f is valid if and only if ¬ f is unsatisfiable ...
First order logic tool—Mamo.dev
mamo.dev › first-order-logic-toolA first order formula can be defined inductively as follows: p(t1, …, tn) is a formula if t1, …, tn are terms and p is a predicate of arity n. A formula of this kind is called atomic; (F ∧ G), (F ∨ G) , (F → G), (F ← G) , (F ↔ G) are formulas if both F and G are formulas; (∀x F), (∃x F) are formulas if x is a variable and F is ...
First-Order Logic
web.stanford.edu › class › cs103Translating Into Logic When translating from English into first-order logic, we recommend that you think of first-order logic as a mathematical programming language. Your goal is to learn how to combine basic concepts (quantifiers, connectives, etc.) together in ways that say what you mean.