Innovation | Taylor & Francis Online Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice journal was relaunched as Innovation: Organization & Management from 1st January 2017.. The Journal has an entirely new Editorial Board, a refocused aims and scope statement, new article types and a fast turnaround policy. The new Editors-in-Chief are Markus Perkmann and Nelson Phillips (Imperial College London, UK) …
Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
jei.uni-ruse.bgThe web-journal publishes results of inter-disciplinary scientific and applied research. Besides, there is a place for theoretical discussions focused on entrepreneurship and innovation management. Thus the journal provides the opportunity to all readers to get familiar with scientific achievements and good practices.
Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
jei.uni-ruse.bgThe web-journal publishes results of inter-disciplinary scientific and applied research. Besides, there is a place for theoretical discussions focused on entrepreneurship and innovation management. Thus the journal provides the opportunity to all readers to get familiar with scientific achievements and good practices.