Jun 18, 2021 · This list includes acronyms, abbreviations and initializations relevant to a broad range of environmental topics, although the primary focus is on the state and federal contamination cleanup programs. This list is published as an aide for the public, the regulated community and regulators who occasionally encounter unknown and unexplained terms.
This list includes abbreviations and acronyms relevant to environmental compliance, regulations, remediation, and sustainability. A. ADONA: trade name for 4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoate. AFFF: aqueous film-forming foam. APFN: ammonium perfluoronanoate.
Browse the list of 3.8k Environmental acronyms and abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Most popular Environmental abbreviations updated in December 2021. List page number 2
EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency EPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (part of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, Title III) ESA - Endangered Species Act F FDF - Fundamentally Different Factors FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act FFCA - Federal Facility Compliance Act
We all know that government officials and technoids love to use acronyms for everything! IAC (in any case), here is a list of the most common EHS acronyms. If ...
This list includes acronyms, abbreviations and initializations relevant to a broad range of environmental topics, although the primary focus is on the state ...
Environmental Abbreviations and Acronyms This list includes abbreviations and acronyms relevant to environmental compliance, regulations, remediation, and sustainability. A
Browse the list of 3.8k Environmental acronyms and abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Most popular Environmental abbreviations updated in December 2021
Glossary of Environmental Acronyms ... A comprehensive list of acronyms pertaining to the environment which might be encountered in procedural documentation.
Environmental Terms And Acronym List : SDMS DocID 535223 : S'.'prrfuntl Records Center SITE: OniOn Chn\i(&] BREAK: Hi : OTHER: SlS2Sl__ Introduction ; '. fa, anA arrnnvm. lis replacet "Commos n Environmental Terms," This glossary^ ^ Z ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ of 197 and revise4d in 1978.
Environmental Abbreviations and Acronyms ; A. ADONA: trade name for 4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoate ; B · BACT: Best Available Control Technology ; C · CAC: ...
18.06.2021 · This list includes acronyms, abbreviations and initializations relevant to a broad range of environmental topics, although the primary focus is on the state and federal contamination cleanup programs. This list is published as an aide for the public, the regulated community and regulators who occasionally encounter unknown and unexplained terms.
Association for Health and Environmental Development ... African Ministerial Conference On The Environment ... List of Environment-Related Acronyms ...
Environmental Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Glossary of Terms Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency Information Resources Directory Spring ...
LIST OF ACRONYMS USED IN ENVIRONMENTAL LITERATURE Assembled by William Andrews, Morgan Ashbridge, Christopher Heald, Slobodan Milojkovic, Kim Stanton Revised June 30, 1996 To find an acronym, search this document using your WWW browser. In Netscape, for example, select Edit Find from the Netscape menu, enter the acronym you're looking
Browse the list of 3.8k Environmental acronyms and abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Most popular Environmental abbreviations updated in December 2021