www.idc-online.com › technical_references › pdfsENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PROBLEMS . A. Introduction and definition of environmental pollution We know that, a living organism cannot live – by itself. Organisms interact among themselves. Hence, all organisms, such as plants, animals and human beings, as well as the physical surroundings with whom we interact, form a part of our environment.
What is Environmental Pollution?
www.ipscarrara.edu.it › attachments › articleWhat is Environmental Pollution? The dictionary explains pollution as “the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.” Simply put, Environmental Pollution is something that brings harm to our environment and in turn to the people who exist based on the environment.
www.geo.lu.lv › fileadmin › user_uploadEnvironmental pollution and degradation can be caused by chemical substances, physical factors or the development of undesirable living organisms. The past, present and potential global threat of environmental pollution and degradation is one of the main factors that has an effect on the formation of society’s environment.