Environmental Science & Technology | Vol 56, No 1
https://pubs.acs.org/toc/esthag/currentES&T, ES&T Letters, and the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry (ENVR) are delighted to announce the joint winners of the 2022 Outstanding Achievements in Environmental Science & Technology Award from nominations received from the Americas region. Congratulations to Professor Jerry Schnoor from the University of Iowa, USA, and Professor Meny Elimelech from …
Environmental Science & Technology
https://pubs.acs.org/journal/esthagSpecial Issue Tribute to James J. Morgan. This special issue honors Professor James J. Morgan, who served as the founding editor-in-chief of ES&T from 1967 to 1975 and sadly passed away in 2020. James Morgan was a prominent and influential leader in the field of environmental science and technology.
Environmental Science & Technology
access.acspubs.org › EST-EuropeEnvironmental Science & Technology (ES&T) is an impactful environmental science and technology research journal that aims to be transformational and direction-setting, publishing rigorous and robust papers for a multidisciplinary and diverse audience of scientists, policy makers and the broad environmental community.
Environmental Science & Technology | Publons
publons.com › journal › 22366Environmental Science & Technology. About. Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) is an authoritative source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The journal combines magazine and research sections and is published both in print and online. Essential Science Indicators Field.