Eritrea Education System - Scholaro › pro › CountriesEritrea has a variety of smaller educational colleges and technical schools for further education, where subjects as diverse as agriculture, arts & social sciences, biology, business & economics, and nursing & health technology may be followed. There are 2 universities too, namely the University of Asmara and the Eritrean Institute of Technology.
Lekene slår tilbake | Tikkio › tickets › 27120-lekene-slar-tilbakeEt inkluderende og engasjerende teater hvor barna kan la seg inspirere til å lage sine egne historier. Ta med en leke hjemmefra og kom, kanskje oppdager du noe med leken du ikke visste om! “Lekene slår tilbake!” har turnert for mange tusen norske barn og har spilt på en rekke internasjonale festivaler og teaterscener de siste årene.
ERI-TV Live - Eritrea Television 1. EriTV (Eritrea Televsion) channel 1 broadcasts for international audience via ArabSat, NileSat, Globecast satellites along with radio station Dimtsi Hafash and Radio Zara FM. ERi-TV channel 1 Broadcasts mostly Eritrea television news and entertainment programs in four languages: Tigre, Tigrigna, Arabic, and English.