[Question] Paramiko SSH Client timeout exception : Python
www.reddit.com › r › PythonNow there a few more lines to it but they are not relevant to the issue. Ideally i'd put the above mentioned block in a try: and have an exception along the lines of "paramiko.ssh_exception.Timeout" - but Paramiko doesn't have that sort of exception according to their documentation. Edit2: Figured out a way without the exception in question.
Python--Paramiko - 知乎 - Zhihu
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/143013837import paramiko cmd = "ls" task_info = "ps -aux" # 创建客户端对象 ssh = paramiko. SSHClient # 接收并保存新的主机名,此外还有RejectPolicy()拒绝未知的主机名 ssh. set_missing_host_key_policy (paramiko. AutoAddPolicy ()) # hostname:目标主机地址,port:端口号,username:登录用户名,password:密码 ssh. connect (hostname = "", username = "root ...