06.08.2020 · "error: can't copy 'lib\ansible\module_utils\ansible_release.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file" I searched this string on this group but …
"error: can't copy 'lib\ansible\module_utils\ansible_release.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file" I searched this string on this group but found no ...
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. https://docs.ansible.com. - ansible/urls.py at devel · …
03.07.2018 · error: can't copy 'lib\ansible\module_utils\ansible_release.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file. This GitHub issue says that installing should be possible, not running it. That's basically all I really need. I tried running CMD/PowerShell/Cygwin as Administrator, didn't help.
This uses native PowerShell remoting, rather than SSH. Ansible will still be run from a Linux control machine, and uses the “winrm” Python module to talk to ...
28.10.2016 · ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME installing via "python setup.py install" ANSIBLE VERSION git HEAD CONFIGURATION OS / ENVIRONMENT ubuntu 14.04 SUMMARY installing via "python setup.py install" fails with 'can't copy 'lib/ansible/galax...
error: can't copy 'lib\ansible\module_utils\ansible_release.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file 复制代码. 查询了很多资料,发现 Ansible 暂时不支持在 Windows 系统上安装运行,因此我很开心地选择了一台 Ubuntu 系统的机器作为管理主机。
20.11.2021 · error: can't copy 'lib\ansible\module_utils\ansible_release.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: 'D:\python_mcw\venv\Scripts\py