Error Messages - Texas Instruments › html › webhelpThe command contains a syntax error. Look for misplaced functions, arguments, parentheses, or commas. For example, stdDev(list [, freqlist]) is a function of the TI‑84 Plus CE. The arguments are shown in italics. The arguments in brackets are optional and you need not type them. You must also be sure to separate multiple arguments with a comma (,).
Gaussian Error Function: erf( and erfc( - › archives › filesGaussian Error Function: erf( and erfc( Description A set of programs the computes the erf(x) and erfc(x). Unlike similar programs available here, the result given by these programs is accurate to all 10 decimals displayed by the calculator. Author Michael Fiedeldey ( Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Statistics)