TF2 runs Eager Execution by default, thus removing the need for Sessions. If you want to run static graphs, the more proper way is to use tf.function() in TF2. While Session can still be accessed via tf.compat.v1.Session() in TF2, I would discourage using it.
15.10.2019 · @alexismenanieves Tensorflow is experiencing python 3.7.4 problems on Catalina, and I guess this is the real cause of our problems. For a while, I tried to make a virtual environment in conda with python 3.6, but as I said that gave other problems.
Estoy tratando de implementar la reducción de dimensión del codificador automático de Tensorflow en R, en este ejemplo: library(dimRed) library(tensorflow) fraud ...
Error in py_get_attr_impl(x, name, silent) : AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'dtype'. on calling python code in R using reticulate ...
The problem lays with your tenserflow installation. To be exact your python tensorflow library. Make sure you reinstall the package correctly, with anaconda you need to install it with administrator rights.
Python es un lenguaje de programación multipropósito, de tipificación dinámica y de múltiples paradigmas. Está diseñado para ser rápido de aprender, comprender y usar, y hacer cumplir una sintaxis limpia y uniforme.