Aug 09, 2017 · 1. $ pip install requests. Ok, we’re now ready to try out the function. A nice feature of Serverless is that it lets us try out functions locally before we deploy them onto a cloud provider: 4 ...
10.11.2016 · Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named lambda_function While creating the lambda function it will ask for Lambda function handler. You have to name it as your Python_File_Name.Method_Name. In this scenario I named it as lambda.lambda_handler ( is the file name) Owner josephdouce commented on Nov 11, 2016
Mar 08, 2017 · 4) Then I went to create the lambda function in AWS, making sure to set the handler to getUserInfo.lambda_handler. 5) When I run and test the function, it seems like it isn't detecting my module. NOTE: This is in Python 2.7 and I have also tried including __init.py__ but it didn't work as well. Any ideas? EDIT:
06.08.2017 · I’ve been using the Serverless library to deploy and run some Python functions on AWS lambda recently and was initially confused about how to handle my dependencies. I tend to create a new virtualenv for each of my project so let’s get that setup first: Prerequisites $ npm install serverless $ virtualenv -p python3 a $ . a/bin/activate Now let’s create our Serverless …
01.01.2017 · You are probably zipping a directory, but you should select the files within the directory and zip those instead. This will resolve the "Cannot find module '/var/task/index'" issue. Attachments: Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.
The error message doesn't help too much, but I found out that this message is often caused by a lost npm package. If you test the lambda in the AWS console, you ...
Aug 23, 2017 · By default it will try lambda_function.lambda_handler (ie, a lambda_handler function in a file called If this isn't the name of your file or function, then you'll need to specify it on the command line: $
Aug 06, 2017 · Serverless: Python - virtualenv - { "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'handler'" } I’ve been using the Serverless library to deploy and run some Python functions on AWS lambda recently and was initially confused about how to handle my dependencies.
5. Then in the console I set the handler to be `CreateThumbnail.handler` 6. Then I upload` via the aws console and click 'save & test' I get "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'CreateThumbnail'" I am very confused by this because feel like I am following the docs. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here?
07.03.2017 · 4) Then I went to create the lambda function in AWS, making sure to set the handler to getUserInfo.lambda_handler. 5) When I run and test the function, …
You will also get this error when you require a module or file using a wrong path. In other words requiring a module/file that does not exist. It could be a ...
Firstly: By default lambda runs the handler with the specific keyword named: lambda_handler you can change the handler entry as well in the AWS Lambda console.
{ "errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'lambda_function'"} I uploaded a .zip which only includes the following dependancies: requests , boto3 , PIL , Pillow-4.0.0.dist-info & the lambda function - which is a copied example from AWS:
Hello World, Unable to import module 'app': No module named 'app' hot 14 Error: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - {pyodbc==4.0.27(sdist)} - aws-sam-cli hot 14 NodeJs custom module can't be required on Mac OS but working on windows hot 13
Unable to import module 'handler': Error at Function.Module. ... A better error message is definitely a must have, without this github issue we'd be lost.