verbi in –ire in –ire...I verbi in –ire You have already learned the huge group of regular –are verbs and those ending in –ere in the infinitive. There is one final group to learn, that of the –ire verbs. Just as –are verbs have the theme vowel a and -ere verbs have e in certain forms, the –ire verbs show a characteristic i – but ONLY in the infinitive and in the voi form.
verbi in –ire › bholtman › 1101-italThere is one final group to learn, that of the –ire verbs. Just as –are verbs have the theme vowel a and -ere verbs have e in certain forms, the –ire verbs show a characteristic i – but ONLY in the infinitive and in the voi form. They are otherwise identical to –ere verbs: they have –e in the lui/lei form and –ono in the loro form.
Verbi regolari in -ARE -ERE -IRE worksheet
ID: 73193 Language: Italian School subject: Italiano per stranieri Grade/level: 5 Age: 10-14 Main content: Verbi regolari in -ARE -ERE -IRE Other contents: Verbi regolari in -ARE -ERE -IRE Add to my workbooks (28) Download file pdf …
6.IL PRESENTE INDICATIVO PRESENTE INDICATIVO 38 GPS • A1|A2 6.1FORME DEL PRESENTE INDICATIVO 6.3I VERBI R IFLESSIVI Usano sempre i pronomi riflessivi (mi, ti, si, ci, vi, si).Per esempio ricordarsi o vestirsi. 6.4I VERBI CON PRESENTE REGOLARE PIÙ FREQUENTI IN ITALIANO 6.2USO DEL PRESENTE INDICATIVO Verbi in -ARE Verbi in -ERE Verbi in -IRE Verbi in -IRE (-isco)