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esercizi reported speech da stampare

esercizi di inglese da stampare?
https://www.esercizinglese.com › pdf
In questa pagina puoi trovare tutti gli esercizi di inglese del sito in ... 110.1, 110.1 Check if the sentences below is direct speech or reported speech.
Esercizi di Reported Speech in inglese
https://inglesedinamico.net › eserci...
Dovrai ovviamente eliminare le virgolette, ma dovrai anche: Modificare i pronomi. Il soggetto dovrà variare a seconda della frase: da I, per esempio, ad He.
Reported Speech - Online Exercises - English Grammar
Online Exercises Grammar Reported Speech Reported Speech Levels of Difficulty: ElementaryIntermediateAdvanced RS012 - Reported SpeechIntermediate RS011 - Reported SpeechIntermediate RS010 - Reporting VerbsAdvanced RS009 - Reporting VerbsAdvanced RS008 - Reporting VerbsAdvanced RS007 - Reporting VerbsIntermediate RS006 - Reported …
Reported Speech - Esercizi - Lingolia
english.lingolia.com › reported-speech › esercizi
Reported Speech - Esercizi visualizza le tue risposte errate Esercizi Trasforma le frasi al discorso indiretto. Attenzione al Backshift, al luogo, al tempo e ai pronomi. Two weeks ago, he said, “I visited this museum last week.” → Two weeks ago, he said that . She claimed, “I am the best for this job.” → She claimed that .
REPORTED SPEECH esercizi - Risorse didattiche
Tipo materiale: esercitazione - Livello scuola: media Materia: inglese Descrizione: la sezione dedicata agli esercizi sul reported speech: 19 risorse costituite da file pdf pronti da stampare pieni di esercizi specifici con vari livelli di difficoltà
Reported Statements Mixed Exercise - Risorse didattiche
www.risorsedidattiche.net › inglese › grammatica
Reported statements: Answers 1. She said (that) he worked in a bank. 2. She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night (the night before). 3. She said (that) she was coming. 4. She told me (that) she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived. 5. She said (that) she had never been there before. 6.
esercizi di inglese da stampare?
- Il libro completo con tutti gli esercizi del sito in pdf: PDF 1- L'infinito 2- I pronomi personali soggetto 3- Il simple present to be 4- There is / There are 5- L'articolo 6- L'aggettivo attributivo 7- Il plurale dei sostantivi 8- I dimostrativi 9- Gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi 10- Whose? 12- Alcune preposizioni semplici 12.1
https://www.nspeak.com › newbasic
Grammatica Inglese gratis online con esercizi interattivi, discorso indiretto, reported speech.
Upper-intermediate grammar exercise: reported speech - Speakspeak
speakspeak.com › reported-speech
Rewrite the following using reported speech: check | reset | answers. 1 Martin said, "I am ill." Martin said that ill. 2 Martin said, "I've just bought a house." Martin said that a house. 3 Martin said, "I'm going on holiday tomorrow." Martin said that he on holiday the next day. 4 Martin said, "I can call her."
Reported Speech Exercises - Learning English
Exercises. 2315 Backshift of tenses in Reported speech – Exercise. 2321 Conversion of time phrases in Reported speech – Exercise. 2317 Pronouns in Reported speech – Exercise. 2327 Reported commands – affirmative sentences – Exercise. 2329 Reported commands – negations – Exercise. 2323 Reported questions – Exercise.
Il discorso diretto e indiretto - Pearson
https://it.pearson.com › italy › pdf › SSPG-Inglese
frase introduttiva da una virgola e viene messo fra virgolette: Joe says / said,. 'I'm hungry.' Il discorso indiretto. (reported speech) riferisce quanto ...
Reported speech inglese esercizi giochi quiz on line per la scuola
Reported speech inglese esercizi giochi quiz on line per la scuola Reported speech: un completo archivio di schede didattiche, esercizi, spiegazioni, verifiche, giochi didattici, test, materiali per la scuola primaria e secondaria. Espandi barra di navigazione Elenco categorie scuola primaria scuola secondaria categorie speciali Mappa del sito
REPORTED SPEECH Esercizio 2. Rispondi alle domande, trasformando il discorso diretto in indiretto, poi premi "Controlla". Se hai bisogno di aiuto, puoi cliccare sul pulsante "Suggerimento" per ottenere una lettera gratis. Mostra tutte le domande <= => She said: "I saw The Matrix."
Reported Speech Exercises - Perfect English Grammar
Reported Speech Exercises. Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site: ( Click here to read the explanations about reported speech ) Reported Statements: Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF …
discorso indiretto/ reported speech - englishclass.altervista.org
http://www.englishclass.altervista.org › ...
Discorso indiretto - Grammatica - BusinessEnglish.com
Introduzione. Usiamo il discorso indiretto per riportare ciò che qualcun altro ha detto: Clara: "I’m tired." (discorso diretto) Sonia: Clara said that she was tired. (discorso indiretto) Quando vuoi dire a qualcuno ciò che qualcun altro ha detto puoi semplicemente ripetere le sue parole (discorso diretto): Peter: She said "I’m hungry".
inglese: reported speech esercizi - Risorse didattiche
https://www.risorsedidattiche.net › ...
La sezione dedicata agli esercizi sul reported speech: 19 risorse costituite da file PDF pronti da stampare pieni di esercizi specifici con vari livelli di ...
http://www.englishgratis.com › gb-...
L'utente, inoltre, accetta di tenerci indenni da qualsiasi tipo di responsabilità per l'uso - ed eventuali conseguenze di esso - degli esercizi e delle ...
Discorso indiretto - Regole ed esercizi per il livello intermedio
https://www.weloveteachingenglish.com › ...
Direct speech is what we say in real time. Reported speech is used when we want to repeat what the person says or said to another person. To do ...
Reported Speech ejercicios - risorsedidattiche.net
www.risorsedidattiche.net › inglese › grammatica
Rewrite these statements in reported speech starting as shown. 1. The American couple said that they had liked Paris very much. 2. Jim asked me if I could do him a favour that night. 3. Sylvia told us that she couldn´t go/come to our birthday party the following Saturday. 4. The weather forecast said that it would probably rain later that day. 5.
Reported speech exercises - Agendaweb
agendaweb.org › verbs › reported_speech-exercises
Exercises: indirect speech. Reported speech - present. Reported speech - past. Reported speech - questions. Reported questions - write. Reported speech - imperatives. Reported speech - modals. Indirect speech - tenses 1. Indirect speech - tenses 2.
Reported Speech Exercises - Perfect English Grammar
www.perfect-english-grammar.com › reported-speech
Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site: (Click here to read the explanations about reported speech) Reported Statements: Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here) Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here) Past Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in ...
1) My parents live near here SHE SAID HER PARENTS LIVED NEAR THERE. 2) I went to Milan last week with my husband SHE SAID SHE HAD GONE TO MILAN THE WEEK BEFORE WITH HER HUSBAND. 3) Put your gun on the desk! SHE TOLD HER TO PUT HER GUN ON THE DESK. 4) It was wonderful! SHE SAID IT HAD BEEN WONDERFUL! 5) I’m studying Shakespeare at school